Rest-assured Articles

What is Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices
Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices
Authentication and Authorization in REST WebServices. How Authentication and Authorization works. What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization?
5 min read
Deserialize JSON Response using Rest Assured
Deserialize JSON Response using Rest Assured
Learn how to serialize and deserialize JSON responses using REST Assured library with example codes and Live API.
9 min read
How does Serialization and Deserialization in Java works?
Serialization and Deserialization in Java
How does Serialization and Deserialization in Java works? How to Serialize in Java? How to DeSerialize in Java? How to Serialize an Object in Java? Steps to Deserialize to an Object in Java.
7 min read
Understanding POST request method using Rest Assured
Understanding HTTP POST Request Method using Rest Assured
What is HTTP Post Request Method? How to send and validate POST Request Method using Rest Assured Library?
8 min read
Working with Query Parameters in Rest Assured | REST API
Working with Query Parameters in Rest Assured | REST API
What are query parameters in rest assured and query strings in an URL? How to write and execute tests by adding query parameters to the URL.
5 min read
How to Read Json Response Body using Rest Assured?
Read JSON Response Body using Rest Assured
How to Read Json Response Body using Rest Assured? Verify Json Response Body in API Testing. How to read Json Response Body using Rest-Assured
6 min read
Validating HTTP Response Header using REST Assured Library
Validate Response Header using Rest Assured
What is an HTTP Response header and how to validate it with REST Assured library? Usage of headers, getHeaders & getHeader in REST Assured.
6 min read
How to Validate Response Status using Rest Assured?
Validate Response Status using Rest Assured
How to Validate Response Status using Rest Assured? Steps to verify Response Status Code with Rest Assured. How to test response status code in API Testing? how to add assert on Status code?
9 min read
How to perform REST API Testing using REST Assured
REST API Testing using Rest Assured
What is REST API testing and how to perform it using REST Assured library? Understanding HTTP Methods and Status Codes.
11 min read
How to Configure Rest Assured with Eclipse for REST API Automation?
Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured
How to Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured for REST API Automation? Steps to set up Rest-Assured on Eclipse and IntelliJ.
5 min read
What are different Rest Architectural Elements in REST API
Rest Architectural Elements
What are different Rest Architectural Elements in REST API Rest Architectural style defines parts of Restful service as key conceptual elements.
7 min read
To be Deleted
To be Deleted
To be Deleted
1 min read