Performing real-time testing in LambdaTest was quite an exercise. Not to mention the tool panel in real-time testing that helped make real-time testing more efficient and incorporating many features at a single place. All those tools are extensively required and used in real-time testing by the users. In this tutorial, we will be focussing on Screenshot Testing in LambdaTest. Screenshots, as you must remember, were taken at different points in real-time testing to view and share the report of the website with your teammates. Screenshots are one of the most used, if not most, feature in cross-browser testing. Since you are testing your website on different browsers, you must be able to show the bug or an issue directly through images and not by writing long issue reports. This saves your time and improves the overall process of testing. Walking in the same direction we will explore
- What is Screenshot Testing?
- Performing Screenshot Testing in LambdaTest.
- Lists in Screenshot Testing: How to save your favourite browsers in a single List.
- Basic Authentication in Screenshot Testing: How to perform screenshot testing on the web pages that require authentication.
- Resolution in Screenshot Testing: How to set up one resolution for all the browsers.
- Preference panel in screenshot testing: How to set up your preferences in Screenshot Testing.
What is Screenshot Testing in LambdaTest?
As discussed above, screenshots are taken and used to improve the overall process of testing the websites. They take very less time to explain something very complex and are easily understandable. Screenshot testing in LambdaTest is the process of taking screenshots on different browsers simultaneously to analyze them. In real-time testing, we selected one browser and a version of that browser to perform the testing. If we are to take every browser one by one (with versions), it will take a lot of time. This brute force method is very inefficient. Screenshot testing comes to the rescue here. Screenshot testing in LambdaTest lets you take bulk screenshots (25 to be exact) of different devices (desktops and mobile) with different versions and screen resolution in a single click. This way you get all the screenshots easily in a single .zip file which you can analyze one by one.
How to perform screenshot testing?
To perform screenshot testing in LambdaTest, you have to Login to your LambdaTest account.
- Once you have logged in, select Screenshot under Visual UI Testing.